Material didáctico en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla

Autor: González-Fernández-Villavicencio, Nieves, Mensaque Urbano, Julia, Ordóñez Cocovi, Elvira
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: González-Fernández-Villavicencio, Nieves and Mensaque Urbano, Julia and Ordóñez Cocovi, Elvira Material didáctico en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla., 2003 . In III Jornadas Andaluzas de Documentación, Sevilla (Spain), 20-22 November 2003. [Conference paper]
Druh dokumentu: Conference paper
Popis: The objective of this paper is to present a new service from the Seville University library: “Materiales didácticos” (learning materials). This service tries to summarize all learning objects that the Universidad de Sevilla offers to their students about the various disciplines tought. The service is a result of the cooperation between subject librarians and the academic staff.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)