O profissional da informação na indústria: habilidades e competências

Autor: Damasio, Edilson, Longo, Rose Mary Juliano
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Damasio, Edilson and Longo, Rose Mary Juliano O profissional da informação na indústria: habilidades e competências., 2002 . In XII Seminário Nacional de Bibliotecas Universitárias - SNBU, Recife: Pernambuco, 2002, Oct. 21-25. [Conference paper]
Druh dokumentu: Conference paper
Popis: The performance of the information professional in the industry requires abilities and competences that are necessary for a better use of the circulating in formational content. The objectives of this work were: to evaluate if the professional librarians possess the abilities and the necessary competences to act at the market of specialized information for the industries; to identify and to characterize the information professionals in the industries; to characterize what types of information are more used in the different sections of industries; to identify the necessary abilities demanded from the information professional and from librarians in the services rendered to the industries. The subjects of this study were 16 big industries of the city of Maringá, State of Paraná. A questionnaire was used for collecting the necessary data. Results showed that the main academic background of the information professionals is the social sciences. Almost half of the professionals do not have post graduated studies. No librarians were found in the sample studied. It was evident the variety of posts and the length of experience of these professionals. It was verified that the use of types and sources of industrial information sought are mainly to answer questions on other competitive enterprises. The industries try to use information that answer to immediate situations subsidizing the competitiveness, leaving information for future use on a second plan. It was concluded that the abilities and the competences of librarians and information professionals were costly considered Very important. Professionals with these abilities and competences are necessary in the market of industrial information.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)