Analysis of Project Activities of Libraries of the People’s Republic of China

Autor: Xinwen, Xi, Davydova, Іryna, Marina, Olena, Marin, Serhii
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Xinwen, Xi and Davydova, Іryna and Marina, Olena and Marin, Serhii Analysis of Project Activities of Libraries of the People’s Republic of China., 2023 . In SCIA-2023: 2nd International Workshop on Social Communication and Information Activity in Digital Humanities, Lviv, Ukraine, November 9, 2023. [Conference paper]
Druh dokumentu: Conference paper
Popis: The article is devoted to determining the current state of project activities on the creation of libraries as components of China’s information infrastructure. In this study we have analyzed the state of project activities in library and information affairs, 15 of the most powerful projects on creating China’s digital infrastructure. It was determined that the project activities of document and information institutions of the People’s Republic of China are built on the basis of NCB (National Competence Baseline) – a national standard that takes into account the cultural aspects of an individual country. It was established: the strategies for deploying project activities are aimed at digitization, joint acquisition and use of information resources, implementation of powerful projects for creating a digital communication environment. Emphasis is placed on the need to strengthen the cognitive component, the formation of branch knowledge networks and the system of service access to them.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)