L’ allineamento tra le università spagnole e le loro biblioteche sul tema della ‘responsabilità sociale’ attraverso l’analisi dei siti web istituzionali

Autor: Adame-Miranda, Celia, Herrera-Morillas, José-Luis, Pérez-Pulido, Margarita
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Adame-Miranda, Celia and Herrera-Morillas, José-Luis and Pérez-Pulido, Margarita L’ allineamento tra le università spagnole e le loro biblioteche sul tema della ‘responsabilità sociale’ attraverso l’analisi dei siti web istituzionali. AIB studi, 2021, vol. 61, n. 2. (Unpublished) [Journal article (Unpaginated)]
Druh dokumentu: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Popis: The article presents the results of a survey on the alignment between Spanish universities and their libraries regarding the topic of 'university social responsibility' (RSU). The analysis, conducted with qualitative and quantitative methods, focused on the institutional websites of Spanish universities and their libraries, highlighting how there are still few Spanish university libraries that have implemented MSW policies and, where this has happened, it can be established a correlation with the RSU policies of the institutions to which they belong. In most cases, however, university libraries do not carry out preliminary planning of their MSW activities, instead implementing isolated measures, although in line with the plan promoted by their university. Furthermore, for the purposes of exercising the RSU, university libraries show that they pay attention to the guidelines proposed at national level by the Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias Españolas (Rebiun).
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)