Descrição arquivística, Records in Contexts (RiC) e AtoM: análise da literatura científica.

Autor: Moraes, Humberto Antônio Ribas, Zafalon, Zaira-Regina
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Moraes, Humberto Antônio Ribas and Zafalon, Zaira-Regina Descrição arquivística, Records in Contexts (RiC) e AtoM: análise da literatura científica., 2018 . In XIX Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, Londrina, Paraná, 22 a 26 de outubro de 2018. [Conference paper]
Druh dokumentu: Conference paper
Popis: The possibilities arising from the expansion of technological resources have contributed to the reconfiguration of information systems and forms of representation and access to information resources. With the archival description the conformation has occurred, besides the computational mechanisms and software applications, the proposition of the international conceptual model of archival description, identified as Records in Contexts (RiC). Thus, the central question of this research is to understand the scenario of the scientific literature on archival description, the international conceptual model of archival description, identified as Records in Contextx (RiC), proposed by the International Council on Archives, and the software of application of archival description, denominated AtoM, whose initial development was also given by ICA and is now the responsibility of Artefactual Systems. The research, with a qualitative approach, also makes use of the quantitative approach, given the need to identify the highlights in the research results. Applied in nature seeks exploratory objectives and makes use of bibliographical and documentary research to reach the results. For the analysis of the data collected, graphics, tables, tags and content clouds were used. The results indicate as documents that answer the proposed question: Cerro Santiago (2014), Conrado (2014), Costa and Madio (2017), Eito-Brun (2011, 2015, 2016), Flores (2013), Flores and Hedlund (2014), Gago (2017), Hedlund (2014), Hedlund and Flores (2014), Izadi and Nakhoda (2016), Karunarathne and Wimalarathne (2014), Lima and Flores (2016), Llanes-Padron and Moro-Cabero (2017), Llanes-Padrón and Pastor-Sanchez (2017), Moreiro et al. (2011), eruginelli et al. (2018), Santos (2012) and Xavier (2014).
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)