Práticas documentárias em regimes de materialidade

Autor: Rabello, Rodrigo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Rabello, Rodrigo Práticas documentárias em regimes de materialidade., 2022 . In XXII Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação – XXII ENANCIB, Porto Alegre, 7 - 11 nov.. [Conference paper]
Druh dokumentu: Conference paper
Popis: Berd Frohmann’s works have contributed to debates developing the field of Information Science, particularly in Brazil. Highlighted in this text are guiding elements of his neodocumentalism proposal concerning the documenting process. The aim in this context is to situate perspectives of the documentary practices, i.e. the documentation agency or documentation, in materiality regimes, based on Frohmann’s works, focusing on Foucault and Latour’s starting points. To achieve this, multiple aspects of the materiality of the document are considered, from a stratum of Frohmann's work, which feature mutual complementarity in at least three compositions: a) the permanence and strength of the materiality of the utterance influencing social and discursive practices in certain forms of institutionality (foucaultian archeology); b) the strength of the materiality of the document stemming from the relational dimension of power from the notion of device (foucaultian genealogy); and c) the materiality of the discourse, reaching materiality in artifacts and documents, produced from actors’ associations (latourian perspective). In these, both immanence and materiality value are regarded as relational toward the documentation agency, depending on the forms of institutionality guiding and guided by the actors, their associations, their relations of power, and their effects.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)