Aplicação de metadados na padronização de registros de ocorrência de espécies no contexto da ciência cidadã para a biodiversidade: um estudo de caso

Autor: Soares, Filipi Miranda, Hamanaka, Raíssa Yuri
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Soares, Filipi Miranda and Hamanaka, Raíssa Yuri Aplicação de metadados na padronização de registros de ocorrência de espécies no contexto da ciência cidadã para a biodiversidade: um estudo de caso., 2021 . In XXI Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, Rio de Janeiro, 2021. [Conference paper]
Druh dokumentu: Conference paper
Popis: This study deals with the interoperability between different biodiversity informationsystems, with respect to the description of species occurrence records, with a view to sharing data.The objective of the study was to analyze how the interoperability occurs between informationalenvironments: a) a species occurrence record between iNaturalist (iNat) and Global BiodiversityInformation Facility (GBIF) and b) biological interactions data between iNaturalist (iNat) and GlobalBiotic Interactions (GloBI). The methodological procedures are of exploratory and descriptiveobjectives, with a qualitative approach, and adopted the single case study technique, analyzing howthe semantic interoperability occurs between the selected informational environments. Analyses of the data imported by GBIF and GloBI were carried out, having as origin the data from iNat, highlightinghow interoperability occurred between these systems. The results showed that the use of metadatastandards allows different information environments to share data among themselves, ensuringsemantic interoperability between their metadata. Specifically, between iNat-GBIF and iNat-GloBI,semantic interoperability occurs through the use of metadata standards and controlled vocabularies.The GBIF system automatically recognized and indexed the data record created in iNat with DarwinCore (DwC) metadata. The same was true for GloBI, which automatically recognized and indexed theiNat data record. As a limitation, it is indicated that the metadata analysis was restricted to a smallgroup, leading to the suggestion of future study in a broader scope, also involving other metadatastandards.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)