Inter-relações entre gestão do conhecimento e memória organizacional

Autor: Moro Cabero, María Manuela, Pelogia Martins Damian, Ieda
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Moro Cabero, María Manuela and Pelogia Martins Damian, Ieda Inter-relações entre gestão do conhecimento e memória organizacional. Palabra Clave (La Plata), 2020, vol. 10, n. 1, e106. [Journal article (Paginated)]
Druh dokumentu: Journal article (Paginated)
ISSN: 18539912
Popis: Because it is a resource of fundamental importance for the creation of sustainable competitive advantages for organizations,knowledge and its management represent a field where research and studies must be developed and deepened in a continuousway, in order to generate benefits for all agents involved such as organizations, employees, collaborators, partners, customers,governments and citizens. Despite its strategic position, considerable organizational knowledge is lost due to the deficient creation,acquisition, management and conservation of organizational memory. To achieve organizational success, knowledge managementand organizational memory must keep the same step, since it is understood that organizational memory is explicit internal andexternal knowledge, for its use and reuse. e aim of the study is to highlight the similarities and completeness between bothconcepts for organizations to understand the importance of coordinating them jointly and thus obtaining the desired results. Tothis end, this study carried out a survey of publications in the area of Information Science, a science that studies the topics covered.rough this survey, the following premise was verified: it is not possible to implement the full management of knowledge in anorganization without adequate coordination with its organizational memory.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)