CataloCards – O jogo da Representação Descritiva

Autor: Amaro, Melina A., Ketelhut, Suzana M., Silva, Márcia Regina da, Brandão, Veidson de O., Oliveira, Daniel A. de
Jazyk: Portuguese<br />Portuguese<br />Portuguese<br />Portuguese<br />Portuguese<br />Portuguese
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Amaro, Melina A. and Ketelhut, Suzana M. and Silva, Márcia Regina da and Brandão, Veidson de O. and Oliveira, Daniel A. de CataloCards – O jogo da Representação Descritiva., 2019 . In IX Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2019, Universidade de Barcelona, Barcelona., 9 a 11 de Julho de 2019. (Submitted) [Conference poster]
Druh dokumentu: Conference poster
Popis: It was developed a didactic boardgame based on “Trivial Pursuit” model, named “CataloCards”. Contents from Descriptive Representation discipline (RDI and RDII) were used to elaborate the questions/answers. The aim is to use it as support material, helping students to memorize rules and technical standards from disciplines from Library and Information Science courses. Questions were distributed in 6 categories that associate, as Trivia boardgames, symbols and colour being: Blue (AA) AACR2; pink (DC) - Dublin Core format and metadata; yellow (M21) - MARC21 format; red (FR) - FRBR; green (RDA) – RDA, and orange (HC) - Cataloguing History. Besides there were developed “Challenge Cards” were the players receive a penalty if given answer is wrong. The boardgame is composed by dice, board, question/answer cards, challenge cards, game pins, hourglass. It was tested in classroom and was well accepted by the students mainly because does not involve multimedia resources, not allowing students to use mobile devices for consulting, thus increasing learning process
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)