Metadati per i siti web

Autor: Natale, Maria Teresa
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Natale, Maria Teresa Metadati per i siti web., 2007 . In Interoperabilità di contenuti e servizi digitali: metadati, standard e linee guida, Roma (Italy), 03 April 2007. (Unpublished) [Presentation]
Druh dokumentu: Presentation
Popis: Using metadata is central in allowing web sites and related resources recover. Dublin Core, Qualified Dublin Core included, is the standard more used and adaptable for web resources descriptions. However, the Syndacation may be used with the use of the files RSS.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)