O assassinato de Marielle Franco e os algoritmos racistas: dimensões aplicadas da teoria crítica da organização do conhecimento

Autor: Saldanha, Gustavo / GS, Silva, Franciéle Carneiro Garcês da / FCGS, Lima, Graziela Santos / GSL, Garcês, Dirnéle Carneiro / DCG, Romeiro, Nathália Lima / NLR
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Saldanha, Gustavo / GS and Silva, Franciéle Carneiro Garcês da / FCGS and Lima, Graziela Santos / GSL and Garcês, Dirnéle Carneiro / DCG and Romeiro, Nathália Lima / NLR O assassinato de Marielle Franco e os algoritmos racistas: dimensões aplicadas da teoria crítica da organização do conhecimento., 2019 [Preprint]
Druh dokumentu: Preprint
Popis: Focusing on a critical theory of the knowledge organization (KO), unfolding the studies like those of Martínez-Ávila, Daniel; Semidao, R .; Ferreira, M. (2016) and Olson (2006), the empirical plan of the research is related to the comments produced after the murder of the deputy of Rio de Janeiro City, Marielle Franco, and the driver Anderson Gomes, in March 2018. We have tried to deepen the studies already carried out (Saldanha, Silva, Lima, Garcês, Romeiro, 2018) in the territory of the meta-discursive corpus produced on the basis of what we have been working under the notion of ordinary organization of socially oppressed knowledge about crime, with a focus on Marielle's female political presence. The research dialogues with the questioning of the power of language and the role of the KO in the contemporary production of the vocabularies of evil. Like Capurro (2019), the approach to the thinking of the philosopher Hannah Arendt (1999, 2007), within the framework of the reflection on the evil in expansion in the society and its forms (in our case, structurally originating from and oriented to the language) of trivialization. For this current stage of research, we discuss the condition of citizenship in the global digital world and the dilemma (also essentially linguistic) of the algorithms, as well as the power of a robotic ethos that interests critically the KO. The condition of the racist and ethical algorithms of robots is debated from the Ertzcheid (2017) thinking, pointing out online search engines present racist stereotypes and hate speech. From the context of the murder, we direct our scientific look at the discursive production on Marielle Franco established in electronic publications after the first news of the crime. The course allowed us to demonstrate the critical panorama of folk approaches and the need to build a look based on the constant revision of the ethical positions of language construction and its reproduction in and for the web. The corpus demonstrated the role of robots in the massive reproduction of misinformation. With this reflection, the development of critical theories in KO, falls here on the dilemma of a global digital citizenship and the evil represented by algorithms, machines of reproduction of the paths that distance us from the minimum conditions of human dignity. The Marielle case is emblematic in this sense, given that the cruelty involved in the whole process is not enough, it is perceived that its murder is long and continuous, influenced by a robotics of evil and by the continuous algorithmic manipulation. The case reveals precisely the tragic dynamics of the modes of production, organization, representation of knowledge on the web and the emergency role of the constitution of critical theories of knowledge organization.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)