Business Plan on A2Z Solutions for preservation, dissemination and digital information management

Autor: Rahman, A-I-M-Jakaria, Yilmaz, Muharrem, Zengenene, Dydimus, Fernandes, David, Crochemar, Jérémie, Ndi, Jonny
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Rahman, A-I-M-Jakaria and Yilmaz, Muharrem and Zengenene, Dydimus and Fernandes , David and Crochemar, Jérémie and Ndi, Jonny Business Plan on A2Z Solutions for preservation, dissemination and digital information management., 2011 (Unpublished) [Project/Business plan]
Druh dokumentu: Project/Business plan
Popis: The main aim of the business is to provide a service that non governmental organizations will take full advantage of information management and dissemination technologies at affordable costs. Due to the proliferation of democracy and humanitarian work, many non governmental organizations are emerging covering wide ranges of information generating activities. These organizations rely on donor funds. They, therefore, seek to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness at the lowest cost possible. Application of technology in information management is a recent development that has potential to grow, organizations which do not specialize in technology are less likely to adapt to these changes without special assistance from specialist companies. A 2 Z will there meet these demands of affordability and efficiency in supporting information management technologies. A 2 Z does not have any direct competitor in its target market segment, however large companies that offer generalized IT support services like Microsoft will offer indirect competition. Our strength however is on lower costs and closeness to the customer. Our set of services is packaged as a one stop service which that maintains the customer loyalty from installation to perpetually support. Open source software is gaining more popularity and trust among customer as compared to proprietary software which is generally regarded as profit centric rather than service centric. Our support for these software will ensure that we are highly specialized in reliable but cheaper services. We will have to support organizations from installation, configuration and setting up, metadata entry and continuous support as need be. Though we foresee great profits in the referred markets. We are aware of the fact that our service can easily be copied by competitors since it is best on the free open source software. As new graduates, we also note that we do not have experience. To meet this challenge, the company will embark on a vigorous and aggressive marketing program that anchor on strong values as well as effective communication with the customers. We, therefore, seek to position ourselves in the market with swift speed and expand as quickly as possible at the same time maintaining customer loyalty to safeguard our service against
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)