Fundamentación teórica de la enseñanza de la Danza Deportiva, basada en la fusión del Método Vaganova y la técnica del género Danza de Carácter. Un estudio bibliométrico y cualitativo. (Theoretic Foundation of the Teaching of DanceSport based in the Fusion of Vaganova Method and the Technique of Character Dance. A Bibliometric and Qualitative Study). (Теоретични фундаменти при изучаването на Спортни танци, базиращи се на комбинирането между Методът на преподаване на Ваганова и Техниката за Учебно – тренировъчна работа на Характерния Танц. Едно библиометрично и квалитативно изследване). (Теоретические фундаменты при изучении Спортивных танцев, основаные на комбинации между Методикой преподавания Классического балета по Вагановой и Техникой учебно-тренировочной работы при Характерном танце. Библиометрическое и квалитативное исследование)

Autor: Kangalov, Mihail Borissov
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Kangalov, Mihail Borissov Fundamentación teórica de la enseñanza de la Danza Deportiva, basada en la fusión del Método Vaganova y la técnica del género Danza de Carácter. Un estudio bibliométrico y cualitativo. (Theoretic Foundation of the Teaching of DanceSport based in the Fusion of Vaganova Method and the Technique of Character Dance. A Bibliometric and Qualitative Study). (Теоретични фундаменти при изучаването на Спортни танци, базиращи се на комбинирането между Методът на преподаване на Ваганова и Техниката за Учебно – тренировъчна работа на Характерния Танц. Едно библиометрично и квалитативно изследване). (Теоретические фундаменты при изучении Спортивных танцев, основаные на комбинации между Методикой преподавания Классического балета по Вагановой и Техникой учебно-тренировочной работы при Характерном танце. Библиометрическое и квалитативное исследование)., 2015 . In PhD of Sciences of Physical Activity Examination Day, School of Sports Organization, UANL, San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, February 3rd, 2015. (Unpublished) [Presentation]
Druh dokumentu: Presentation
Popis: Presentation of the research proposal titled: Theoretic Foundation of the Teaching of DanceSport based in the Fusion of Vaganova Method and the Technique of Character Dance. A Bibliometric and Qualitative Study. Presented by the PhD research student Mihail Borissov Kangalov under the supervision by Dr. Zapopan Martin Muela-Meza as a prerequisite to enter the PhD Program of Sciences of Physical Culture at the School of Sport Organization, UANL (Mexico). In this research proposal it is sought the fussion of the Vaganova Method, as a theoretic foundation, with the Technique of training of Dance of Character as a practical medium to develop the bodies of DanceSport dancers to rise their tecnical and educational capacities. Through the bibliometric method it will be quantified and analyzed the works of authors through the period of 1994-2014, by using 3 pay-per-access indexes: a) Arts and Humanities Citation Index of Thomson Reuters (JCR); b) Scopus by Elsevier; c) Google Scholar Index. In addition 4 open access indexes: Start.Bg (Bulgary), DOAJ (Sweden), REDALYC (Mexico), and Scielo (Brazil). The 100 most productive authors will be selected as sample as follows: 25 in Bulgarian language; 25 Spanish; 25 English, and 25 in Russian. To this sample of 100 an in-dept interview will be applied by triangulating the questions and search strategies both in data generation and analysis, and both methods triangulated with the method of document analysis.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)