Descrição de recursos imagéticos digitais: apresentação de um modelo conceitual

Autor: Simionato, Ana Carolina, Amorim da Costa Santos, Plácida L. V.
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Simionato, Ana Carolina and Amorim da Costa Santos, Plácida L. V. Descrição de recursos imagéticos digitais: apresentação de um modelo conceitual. Anales de Documentación , 2013, vol. 16, n. 2. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]
Druh dokumentu: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Popis: Techniques of image capture have advanced along with the technologies of information and communication and unthinkable numbers of information available and imagery are stored in digital environments. The objective of this study is point out difficulties found in the construction of imagetic representations of digital resources using the instruments available for the treatment of descriptive information. The results we have the mapping of descriptive elements to digital images derived from analyzing of the schemes to guide the construction of descriptive records (AACR2R, ISBD, Graphic Materials, RDA, CDWA, CCO) and the conceptual model FRBRer. The result of this analysis conducted the conceptual model, Functional Requirements for Digital Imagetic Data – RFDID to the development of more efficient ways to represent the use of imagery in order to make it available, accessible and recoverable from the data persistence descriptive, flexibility, consistency and integrity as essential requirements for the representation of the digital image. Keywords: Digital image; Functional Requirements for Digital Imagetic Data - RFDID; functional requirements; conceptual modeling, information and technology.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)