Evolución de las Bibliotecas de Hospital de la Comunitat Valenciana: 2007-2010

Autor: España-Álvarez, Enrique, De-la-Cámara-De-las-Heras, Juan M., Sanchis-Gracia, Elvira, Osorio-Calles, Francisco-Javier, Amorós-Linares, Luis, Ñiguez-Sebastián, Mariola, García-Ull, Francisco, Baeza-Vicente, María-Jesús, Badía-Vicente, Carmen, Queral-Montaner, Lina, Magro-Tena, Dolores, Bixquet-Climent, Lourdes, Alhambra-Canet, Paco, Bordes-Palomares, Dolores
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: España-Álvarez, Enrique and De-la-Cámara-De-las-Heras, Juan M. and Sanchis-Gracia, Elvira and Osorio-Calles, Francisco-Javier and Amorós-Linares, Luis and Ñiguez-Sebastián, Mariola and García-Ull, Francisco and Baeza-Vicente, María-Jesús and Badía-Vicente, Carmen and Queral-Montaner, Lina and Magro-Tena, Dolores and Bixquet-Climent, Lourdes and Alhambra-Canet, Paco and Bordes-Palomares, Dolores Evolución de las Bibliotecas de Hospital de la Comunitat Valenciana: 2007-2010., 2011 . In XIV Jornadas Nacionales de Información y Documentación en Ciencias de la Salud, Cádiz, 13-15 de Abril de 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference poster]
Druh dokumentu: Conference poster
Popis: Introduction: The legal gap and rules that exists in subjects of Libraries of Sanitary Institutions and that affects so much to the installations , services and organs of representation, as to the functions that have to develop the professional responsible librarian, manifest no only in the state field, but also between the different autonomous communities. Aim: To know the evolution and situation of the hospital libraries of the Comunitat Valenciana, personnel and new technologies use. Comparison between 2007 and 2010. Methodology: The C17 portal was used http://www.c17.net filtering the data of the Comunitat Valenciana hospital libraries. Subsequently has realized a questionnaire, to know the situation of each one. Results: In these 3 years there has been an increase of new libraries, because new hospitals have been created and also of new jobs. Also have created in the services of libraries of hospital pages that connect his services between if, no only thanks to them link of hypertexts but also by means of dynamic interaction thanks to RSS and to API (blogs, Twitter, etc.). Conclusions: There has been an improvement, but is not very important, since they have created new hospitals and have not taken into account the Service of Library. In spite of the current use of Web 2.0 applications, the use in the libraries of hospital follows being insufficient and in his acceptance follows predominating the scepticism so much of the professional and of the management teams of the sanitary centres
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)