Bazy bibliograficzne i pełnotekstowe w kontekście otwartej nauki

Autor: Niezgódka, Marek
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Niezgódka, Marek Bazy bibliograficzne i pełnotekstowe w kontekście otwartej nauki., 2009 . In Bibliograficzne bazy danych : kierunki rozwoju i możliwości współpracy. Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa z okazji 10-lecia bazy danych BazTech, Bydgoszcz (Poland), 27-29 May 2009. [Presentation]
Druh dokumentu: Presentation
Popis: The speech will present bibliographical and full-text databases, created with the support of ICM UW as part of the Virtual Library of Science project, in the current of ongoing transformation of science towards greater openness. First part of the speech concerns a global transformation of the process of scientific communication, occurring due to the digital revolution. As a result, we observe growing openness of all forms of scientific content: publications, educational materials, data or scientific software. This leads to a redefinition of the rules of conducting science towards greater openness and transparency, and a concurrent transformation of institutions and mechanisms responsible for scientific communication. On one hand, new tools are created – technical, such as software for creating databases and repositories, and legal solutions, such as open licenses that allow free availability of content. Secondly, international organizations, grant-giving institutions, universities and research institutes ever more often adopt institutional mandates that recommend or require openness of scientific content. In particular, open mandates of this sort require results of research conducted with the help of public funds to be publicly available. Second part concerns the development of the open science models in Poland. This model allows digital exclusion to be eliminated, increases visibility and reuse of research results, and changes mechanisms for evaluation of publications and research results. Until today, open models of scientific communication remain relatively little known and not sufficiently developed or supported, in particular by state regulation. Nevertheless they are being developed today by a range of different institutions. One of them is the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling at the University of Warsaw, which has been developing in the last dozen years the Virtual Library of Science project. The goal of this project is the creation in Poland of an infrastructure for open science, in the shape of a unified system of content with a hybrid structure. Bibliographical and full-text databases based on the Yadda platform: BazTech, BazHum and Agro, are an important part of this infrastructure. The third part of the speech will present the current state of development of the Virtual Library of Science, as well as possible future actions, tied to the development and promotion of open science in Poland.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)