Construction d'un diagnostic complexe d'une bibliothèque académique

Autor: Ollendorff, Christine
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Ollendorff, Christine Construction d'un diagnostic complexe d'une bibliothèque académique., 1999 PhD thesis thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers- ENSAM (France). [Thesis]
Druh dokumentu: Diplomová práce
Popis: In the first part, we studies academic libraries whose founding principles are change with the information society. The library manager looks for the best ways to lead a library. Evaluation and management tools on libraries are sources of insatisfactions because of the lack of a holistic vision of libraries they give. Constructivist approaches of management seems an alternative way to help library managers in designing a strategic vision of these organizations. In the second part, we build a modelization project with complex systems modelization of Jean-Louis Le Moigne and soft systems methodology of Peter Checkland. French academic libraries constitute our research field in which we use participant observations and staff and managers interviews. Our system is made up of the academic library in the vision of it leader. We build a three phase diagnostic. With the first phase, the manager can observ services supply as a three axes system which evolves with technologies, materials and humans means and bibliotheconomic knowledge. The second phase studies the informational system with environmental and flow observations. The third phase studies the decisional system, looking for its organization, ist internal information circulation and its decisional processes. This diagnostic is in continuous construction. It works in the library management continuity and is not the first step of a strategic planning. We use the diagnostic in five libraries. Results show modelization supply with the creation of evolving, transposable and learning models.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)