The Nature of Water

Autor: De Santo, R. M., Bisaccia, Carmela, De Santo, N. G.
Popis: Water, the most represented substance in the human body, is a trace of the primordial sea where life originated. Its virtues may be represented by the Venus of Botticelli coming out from the sea, as well as by Velasquez's water seller and by Aristophanes'chant of the clouds. Water has been connected with medicine from time immemorial and is a common good. For Sumerians, the physician was the man who new water. Homer's (850-750 BC) mythical tradition made Ocean and Thetys progenitors of all gods and of the world. Hesiod (ca. 700 BC) chanted Poseidon, the sea-lake god, who could cause tempests and seaquakes, generate springs, and also confer the power to walk on water like on earth.
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