Oglinzi paralele şi perpendiculare / Florentin Smarandache, Paradoxismul şi Viteza Supraluminală [Parallel and Perpendicular Mirrors / Florentin Smarandache, the Paradoxism and the Superluminal Speed]

Autor: Octavian Blaga (editor)
Popis: Volumul de faţă adună o mână de studii, articole şi consemnări din presa românească despre scriitorul şi omul de ştiinţă Florentin Smarandache, mişcarea literar-artistică pe care a iniţiat-o (Paradoxismul) şi una dintre teoriile pe care le-a dezvoltat (Viteza Supraluminală); câteva mesaje adresate acestuia şi o addenda ilustrată vin să contureze peisajul ştiinţific, artistic şi uman în care se mişcă unul dintre cei mai prolifici, mai interesanţi şi mai apreciaţi români ai momentului. This volume includes several studies, articles and notes from the Romanian mass-media on the scientist, writer and artist Florentin Smarandache (mathematician who in 2011 was nominated to the Nobel Prize in Literature by the DacoRomanian Academy from Bucharest), his paradoxist literary and scientist movement called paradoxism, his superluminal speed theory, and his neutrosophic logic/set/probability/statistics used in various scientific fields (especially in information fusion). All of them illustrate a live addenda in order to contour the scientific, artistic and human panorama of one of the most prolific, most interesting, and most appreciated Romanians of the moment. There are articles written by professor Octavian Blaga, Dr. Geo Stroe, journalist Florin Grieraşu, Dr. Titu Popescu, University of Craiova Associate Professor Dr. Ştefan Vlăduţescu, Dr. Olga Popescu, poet Ion Segărceanu, mathematician and writer Marinela Preoteasa, economist and writer Tudor Negoescu, writer Ion Machidon, professors and writers Adriana Elena Răducan, Adrian Botez, Ştefan Dumitrescu, Ion Soare, writers Ion Radu Zăgreanu and Ovidiu Bufnilă, astronomer Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, and physicist Mircea Monu.
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