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In a world expected to reach a population of almost 10 billion inhabitants by 2050 and facing rapid global warming, it is essential to develop studies to better characterize and preserve the existing environmental heritage. Among these assets, soil stands out, which is fundamental for the balance of life on the planet (air quality and composition, temperature regulation, carbon and nutrient cycling, water cycling and quality, natural'waste'(decomposition) treatment and recycling, and habitat for most living things and their food). Due its importance, Soil information is increasing recently in order to attend human demands for land use management and capability, reduce erosion risks and soil security, for example. Particularly in Brazil, advances in soil science are now required to attend the new national systematic soil survey that have as a goal soil sustainability and security. Gathering machine learning tools, pedometrics and pedological concepts is a way to achieve these demands regarding soil data and related products. This book summarizes remarkable insights from the II Pedometrics Brazil Conference providing cutting-edge information to researchers, students and professionals working with soils in tropical countries such as Brazil. |