EMS Community Risk Reduction (2-downloads)

Autor: Jeffrey T. Lindsey Ph.D, Keith T Monosky
Popis: This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. EMS Community Risk Reduction is designed to be used as a reference and how-to manual for EMS managers seeking to develop or manage an EMS risk reduction program in their community. For information on teaching and learning resources, please contact your Brady representative. Teaching and Learning Experience Examples throughout the text help the EMS manager effectively create a vision and a program, regardless of the complexity or simplicity of the program. Offers EMS managers a solid foundation of understanding of each of the topic areas. ••••• This title is also available as part of our Digital Library EMS Management Series, please visit www.bradybooks.com/dl to learn more.
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