Interventions for Serious Mental Disorders : Working with Individuals and Their Families

Autor: Christina E. Newhill
Popis: This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Provides a biopsychosocial treatment guide to those suffering from mental illness. Interventions for Severe Mental Disorders: Working with Individuals and their Families prepares the beginning social work practitioner to work with some of the most challenging clients seen at public community mental/behavioral health care services. This title includes how to develop and maintain a therapeutic alliance with individuals with serious mental illness; how to manage and overcome the impact of stigma; how to manage a client's lack of insight and facilitate illness awareness; and how to work with and engage involuntary and resistant clients. Readers will learn how to overcome potential barriers to effective treatment engagement with individuals suffering from severe mental illness (SMI). Mental illnesses addressed include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, paranoid disorder, severe personality disorders and substance abuse problems. Advancing Core Competencies Series - As part of the Advancing Core Competencies Series, this title is designed to help students apply CSWE's competencies and practice behaviors examples to specialized fields of practice. Readers will gain experience answering licensing-type higher-level thinking questions tied to the competencies.
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