College Reading and Study Skills

Autor: Kathleen T. McWhorter, Brette M. Sember
Popis: This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in Intermediate Reading or Reading and Study Skills. Presents reading and studying as inseparable skills, key to success in college and beyond College Reading and Study Skills provides complete coverage of both reading and study skills while demonstrating their relationship and interdependency. The'McWhorter Way'encourages students to approach reading and study skills as methods of selecting, processing, and organizing the information to be learned. The text also covers time management, analysis of learning style, note-taking strategies, improving vocabulary, and strengthening critical comprehension—elements crucial to student success. The 14th Edition revises and expands its coverage of the digital age in the context of reading and study; it features a stronger emphasis on discipline-specific college reading and expanded coverage of critical thinking. The thematic reader now covers non-traditional addictions and discrimination.
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