Employment, Hours, and Earnings 2009 : States and Areas

Autor: Ryan, Mary Meghan, United States
Popis: Employment, Hours, and Earnings is a special edition of Bernan PressOs Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics. The fourth edition brings together a wealth of employment data compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and provides estimates on employment, hours, and earnings for each state and employment data for the nationOs 75 largest metropolitan areas (MSAs). This volume includes nearly 300 tables presenting data on employment, hours, and earnings according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS); detailed industry data presented on a monthly and annual basis giving the user a variety of tools for analysis; an introductory page for each state summarizing salient data and noteworthy trends; a concise userOs technical guide that explains the sources, changes, and other pertinent facts about the data contained in the volume together with a list of references for further guidance, which is particularly helpful in understanding labor market statistics. A user-friendly appendix is also included. Features of this edition include: Employment data for each state, the District of Columbia, and each MSA for 1990, 1995, as well as from 2000D2008. Hours and earnings data by industry for each state and the District of Columbia, where available. New data for each MSA including the population estimates and unemployment rates for 2008 and the percent change in employment from 1990D2008. Additional data on the introductory page for each state including population, civilian labor force estimates, and unemployment rates and rankings for 1990, 2000, and 2008.
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