Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis : General Methods and Overviews, Lung Carcinoma and Prostate Carcinoma

Autor: M. A. Hayat
Popis: Cancer is the leading cause of death, in the number of older cancer patients is after cardiovascular diseases, in the expected. Approximately, 77% of all types United States. A total of? 1,399,790 new of cancers are diagnosed in persons of 55 cancer cases and? 564,830 deaths were years and older. It was estimated that o- reported in the year 2006 in the country. third of the 559,650 cancer deaths in 2007 Approximately, one in every two men and in the United States were related to ov- one in every three women in the country weight or obesity, physical inactivity, and will have some type of cancer during nutrition, and thus could also be prevented their lifetime. Healthcare costs exceed (Am. Cancer Society, 2007). However, 1. 7 trillion dollars per year in the United in developed countries, including United States, which is? 15% of the country's States, the average person of 65 years can gross domestic product. expect to live another 15 years in a fairly Tobacco use is the most serious prevent- good health. Persons of 75 or 85 years old able cause of cancer. Tobacco use causes have an average expectancy of 10 and 6 cancer of the lung, throat, mouth, pancreas, years, respectively. urinary bladder, stomach, liver, kidney, and During the last three decades, intensive other types. Passive smoking causes lung clinical research has resulted in reduced cancer.
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