Dva indické „cestopisy“

Autor: Matěj Václav Kramerius
Popis: The publication introduces an annotated edition of two works by Matěj Václav Kramerius (1753–1808), most often referred to by Czech literary historians as „fi ctional travelogues“. The two texts, Historické Vypsání Velikého Mogolského Císařství (Historical description of the Great Mughal Empire) and Druhý Díl Indie (Second Part of India), were first serialized between 1803–1804 in Kramerius‘ newspaper supplement Pražský Posel (The Prague Messenger) and published in book form shortly aÆ er. They constitute the fi rst substantial treatise on India within Czech literary history. The texts drew largely from 17th century foreign travel literature and sought to inform the common reader about Indian history, form of government, religion, fl ora and fauna. This edition's text is accompanied by a factographic commentary, which attempts to identify all the toponyms used by the author, as well as historical events, wildlife and other cultural elements. In order to facilitate the ease of reading of the two-hundred-year-old Czech text, the edition provides a comparative dictionary and a list of toponyms, which presents each proper name both as written by Kramerius and in its modern Czech form. Additionally, the included extensive edition history follows the diffi culties connected with editions of Czech texts during the early Czech National Revival. The opening study explores the text within the wider context of Kramerius‘ writings and reveals the importance of geographic studies for the author's work. Additionally, the study traces the contemporary Czech reader's knowledge of India and attempts to highlight Kramerius‘ creative use of existing stereotypes (primarily the fantastical reports of The Elucidarium and Mandeville's travelogue) in presenting the available factual information of his time. Last but not least, the opening text reveals the didactic function of Kramerius‘ works with its close ties to Josephinism, a set of enlightenment policies that sought to educate the rural reader and encourage independent thought while maintaining a fi rm social hierarchy. The published text is therefore a unique and important testimony of the introduction of Czech readers to India at the beginning of the 19th century, as well as of Kramerius‘ didactic goals and his attempts at educating the rural reader.
Databáze: eBook Index