Rozpravy o identitách ve frankofonním prostoru subsaharské Afriky : soubor rozhovorů a esejů

Autor: Vojtěch Šarše (ed.)
Popis: The second volume, entitled Discourses on Identities Within the Francophone Space of Sub‑‑Saharan Africa, is a collection of eleven interviews, that is, with four African authors, five university professors and researchers in the field of sub‑‑Saharan literatures as well as two publishers. The questions posed resemble one another so as to allow the reader to view the discussed topics from multiple points of views. The interviews are concerned with the position of sub‑‑Saharan Francophone authors within world and Francophone literatures or their understanding of the French language, which is still an undeniable aspect of sub‑‑Saharan literatures. Two of the interviewees have each contributed with an essay. The first is of a historico‑‑factual nature and describes the inception of sub‑‑Saharan literatures; the second focuses on their transformations and phases in the course of their modern development. The book finishes with three essays by Czech Africanist Vladimír Klíma treating three significant Cameroonian authors, Yoruba culture and African folk orality.
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