Автономія простору. Українська революція / Autonomy of space. The Ukrainian revolution

Autor: Вишинський Святослав
Jazyk: English<br />French<br />Russian<br />Ukrainian
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини, Iss 2(6), Pp 31-36 (2015)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2311-9896
Popis: Вишинський С. Автономія простору. Українська революція У статті здійснюється спроба надати філософськоантропологічне обгрунтування революційних подій в Україні 2013-2014 рр. та їхнього зв’язку з процесом деконструкції постмодерну. Визначаються філософсько-політичний словник і головні етико-метафізичні орієнтири оновленого східноевропейського цивілізаційного простору. Ключевые слова: новий ідеалізм, волюнтаризм, автономність, синархія, революція. Vyshynskyi S. AUTONOMY OF SPACE. THE UKRAINIAN REVOLUTION The article deals with the problem of philosophic and anthropological basing of the revolutionary events in Ukraine in 2013-2014 and its connection with the process of deconstruction of postmodernity. The author defines philosophic and political vocabulary and the main ethical and metaphysical guidelines for the renewed East European civilization space. The Maidan revolution is considered as a ground for the new social compact and the new ideology, opposing both postmodernist and totalitarian philosophic legacy. The author compares two directions of liberal thought – the European and the American (frontier) – and appeals to the latter as an inherent part of Ukrainian culture, a manifestation of Dmytro Dontsov’s «kozak» archetype. Frontier Eurasian mentality, reproducing itself throughout Ukrainian history is understood as a condition for the «new idealism», that anticipates the conservativerevolutionary revival of modernity in the Western world. This renascence is not merely a theoretical one, but primarily practical – forestalling the probable turn in culture, politics and philosophy itself. Thus the series of later events in Ukraine are seen as a specific «conditon», challenging postmodern relativism and proclaiming the new heroic poetics, i.e the «rebirth of the subject» and of modernity – in its vital and voluntaristic, supra-rational shape, opposing narrow tradition of the European rationalism and postmodernist countersubjectivity altogether. The main value of this specific frontier liberalism is the principle of autonomy – spatial (social and political) and inner (the autonomy of thought), that marks combination of classic logocentric and nonclassic network approaches for any type of system organisation – another analogue for the «third way» for modern times between Scylla and Charybdis of fading western liberalism and strengthening oriental conservatism of different sorts. Key words: new idealism, voluntarism, autonomy, synarchy, revolution.
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