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Franco Albini arriva in Egitto all’inizio degli anni Sessanta con una commissione Unesco, guidata da George Henri Rivière e incaricata, in collaborazione col governo egiziano, di suggerire possibili siti per nuovi musei. Elabora anche alcuni progetti, mai realizzati, come il cosiddetto “progetto Gezira” da costruirsi al Cairo (1962 -’63). Ad Alessandria lo studio Albini, in dialogo con Rivière e con gli architetti locali, riprende un tema che gli è caro, quello di “ricucire” monumenti e città. Qui progetta una sorta di Guggenheim, un percorso a gradoni dov’è abolita la separazione verticale dei piani. Anche questo progetto non verrà realizzato. Dell’esperienza in Egitto restano, oltre ai disegni e alle maquette, un rapporto Unesco firmato a quattro mani, Albini e Rivière (1969), in cui si avanzano raccomandazioni e proposte per adeguare siti e musei archeologici locali alla moderna museologia europea. Franco Albini arrived in Egypt in the early Sixties with a Unesco delegation, led by George Henri Rivière and charged with suggesting possible locations for new museums, in collaboration with the Egyptian government. He actually elaborated some plans, which were never put into practice, such as the so-called “Gezira Project” in Cairo (1962-63). In Alexandria the Albini studio, cooperating with Rivière and local architects, resumed a beloved theme of the Italian designer, that of re-establishing connections between museums and cities. He planned a Guggenheim-type structure, a stepped building where the vertical floor separation was abolished. This project too was destined to remain on paper. From this Egyptian experience, besides the plans and the scale models, an interesting report has survived, jointly signed by Albini and Rivière in 1969, which put forward some recommendations and suggestions, with the aim of updating the local museums and archeological sites according to modern European museology. |