Effect of different levels of physical activity upon anatomical and histologic changes related to renal aging

Autor: Benjamin Wancjer, MD, Ximena Rincón, MV, Íngrid Romero, MV, Germán Santamaría, HTL, Ernesto Dalmau, MV, MSC, Rafael Andrade, MD, Claudio Bohórquez, MV, MSC, Andrés Díaz, MD, Jesús Muñoz, MD
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Revista Ciencias de la Salud, Vol 1, Iss 2, Pp 112-134 (2003)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1692-7273
Popis: Title: Effects of Different Grades of PhysicalActivity in the Presentation of Anathomic andHistologic Changes Related with Renal Aging.Objective:With the purpose of determininganatomical changes of exercise in renal aging.Methodology: we carried out an experimentallongitudinal study during 54 weeks. 120 swiss malemice were used, which were divided into threegroups depending on their activity: sedentary,normal and active. The exercise was modulatedwith room space and food acces. three animals weresacrificed per group from the ninth week of age,each nine weeks. All animals with less than 27weeks of age were considered young animals, andold animals were more than 36 weeks old. all miceand kidneys were weighted, establishing a kidneyweight/mouse weight relation. The cortex of eachanimal´s left kidney was measured. And ahistological estudy with classical colorations wascarried out. Such cuts were analyzed by 2pathologist who did not know the purpose of thisstudy; they described glomerular changes andinterstitial tubulus, classifying them from null tosevere. Glomerular areas, as well as light/arterialwall relation were measured. Results: maximum renal growing was detected 18 weeks later. At the54th week, the sedentary mice had less corticalthickness (2288,65 ± 552,75) than the animals ofthe normal group (2502,7 ± 163,81) and the activegroup (2609,46 ± 273,28), with n=3 for allgroups. The glomerular area was significantly less(p=0,035) in sedentary animals (8657,33 ±1954,38) compared to the active animals(10318,64 ± 2425,14), but significant differenceswere not found among the normal animals(9791,52 ± 2211,63) and the other to groups,n=18 for each group. tubular atrophy in oldanimals was 55,5% in sedentary animals, higherthan in normal and active animals, in which itwas 44,4%, not significant. Interstitial nephritiswas less in normal animals (55,5%) compared tosedentary and active groups (77,7%), notsignificant. Conclusions: We could conclede thatthe sedentary life in mice is related with somedescripting changes of the renal aging such ascortex decreased, glomerular atrophy andincreasing risk to develop interstitial nephritis,although moderate exercise may limit severityof such changes, and intense exercise mayincreased interstitial nephritis.
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