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In the times when nonprofessional express their feelings and distort the facts, Science is experiencing one of the hardest struggles for its trust. The journal is not medical, so there is no point in arguing about the pandemic, the vaccinations, and related matters. It is to be hoped that Science, as always, wins the struggle on the basis on the facts and gain deserved trust. Although it does not seem to be, Sports science is one of the key study fields that can help to bring life back to the normal. As people begin to value their health even more, sport as well as any physical activity, can become one of the key factors in the existence of humanity. We are pleased that Slovak Journal of Sport Science has a stable place among scientists and sport academics so we can continue to bring new findings from the field of research in sports sciences. This month issue brings you the insight to children physical activity, but significant part of the journal consists of articles focusing on health, as well as performance and professional sports. We firmly believe that growing interest in publishing in the journal will continue to improve the quality of articles so we can manage to index the journal in other important databases, as recently in EBSCO, ERIH +, or DOAJ. We trust this current edition of Slovak Journal of Sport Science brings you scientific knowledge that inspire you in a further work. |