Er der en whole school derude?

Autor: Nadia R. Rathje
Jazyk: dánština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Studier i Læreruddannelse og -Profession, Vol 8, Iss 1 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2445-8538
DOI: 10.7146/lup.v8i1.136156
Popis: [DK] På trods af at whole school-tilgangen i en årrække har været promoveret i både policy og forskning som en produktiv tilgang til at arbejde med og udvikle uddannelse for bæredygtig udvikling, peger et igangværende casestudie på, at tilgangen tilsyneladende ikke er hverken særlig kendt eller brugt i den danske skole. Denne artikel præsenterer indledningsvis whole school-tilgangen og diskuterer dens sammenhæng med bæredygtig udvikling og med nogle af de udfordringer, casestudiet finder. Desuden undersøges forholdet mellem begrundelser, fagligt indhold og didaktik, når caseskolerne arbejder med bæredygtig udvikling. Studiet finder, at didaktikken står svagere end begrundelser og indhold, og argumenterer for, hvorfor den pædagogiske, didaktiske dimension er væsentlig i arbejdet med bæredygtig udvikling i et whole school-perspektiv. Afslutningsvis diskuteres forholdet mellem whole school-tilgangen som et policy, best practice-begreb og som en refleksiv ramme til at udvikle skole, der arbejder med, for og som bæredygtighed fra et systemisk perspektiv. [UK] Is there a Whole School out there? – Potentials and barriers in a whole school approach to education for sustainable development Despite the fact that the whole school approach has for a number of years been promoted in both policy and research as a productive approach to working with and developing education for sustainable development, an ongoing case study indicates that the approach is apparently neither well known nor used in the Danish school. This article initially presents the whole school approach and discusses its connection with sustainable development and with some of the challenges that the case study has going. In addition, the relationship between justifications, professional content and didactics is examined when the case schools work with sustainable development. The study finds that didactics are weaker than reasons and content and argues that the pedagogical, didactic dimension is essential in the work with sustainable development in a whole school perspective. In conclusion, the relationship between the whole school approach as a policy, best practice concept and as a reflexive framework for developing schools that work with, for and as sustainability from a systemic perspective is discussed.
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