GLOD: The Local Greedy Expansion Method for Overlapping Community Detection in Dynamic Provenance Networks

Autor: Ying Song, Zhiwen Zheng, Yunmei Shi, Bo Wang
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Mathematics, Vol 11, Iss 15, p 3284 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2227-7390
DOI: 10.3390/math11153284
Popis: Local overlapping community detection is a hot problem in the field of studying complex networks. It is the process of finding dense clusters based on local network information. This paper proposes a method called local greedy extended dynamic overlapping community detection (GLOD) to address the challenges of detecting high-quality overlapping communities in complex networks. The goal is to improve the accuracy of community detection by considering the dynamic nature of community boundaries and leveraging local network information. The GLOD method consists of several steps. First, a coupling seed is constructed by selecting nodes from blank communities (i.e., nodes not assigned to any community) and their similar neighboring nodes. This seed serves as the starting point for community detection. Next, the seed boundaries are extended by applying multiple community fitness functions. These fitness functions determine the likelihood of nodes belonging to a specific community based on various local network properties. By iteratively expanding the seed boundaries, communities with higher density and better internal structure are formed. Finally, the overlapping communities are merged using an improved version of the Jaccard coefficient, which is a measure of similarity between sets. This step ensures that overlapping nodes between communities are properly identified and accounted for in the final community structure. The proposed method is evaluated using real networks and three sets of LFR (Lancichinetti–Fortunato–Radicchi) networks, which are synthetic benchmark networks widely used in community detection research. The experimental results demonstrate that GLOD outperforms existing algorithms and achieves a 2.1% improvement in the F-score, a community quality evaluation metric, compared to the LOCD framework. It outperforms the best existing LOCD algorithm on the real provenance network. In summary, the GLOD method aims to overcome the limitations of existing community detection algorithms by incorporating local network information, considering overlapping communities, and dynamically adjusting community boundaries. The experimental results suggest that GLOD is effective in improving the quality of community detection in complex networks.
Databáze: Directory of Open Access Journals
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