The impact of intergenerational entrepreneurial psychological capital on the entrepreneurial types in urban and rural areas(代际创业心理资本对城乡创业类型的影响)

Autor: 石钰璇(SHI Yuxuan), 王琛(WANG Chen)
Jazyk: čínština
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: Zhejiang Daxue xuebao. Lixue ban, Vol 51, Iss 4, Pp 501-510 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1008-9497
DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-9497.2024.04.013
Popis: Established entrepreneurship research has mainly focused on the impact of external entrepreneurial capital on the type of entrepreneurship, ignoring the role of entrepreneurs' own entrepreneurial psychological capital based on intergenerational transmission and its urban-rural differences. Based on CGSS 2017 data, a multivariate logit model was used to explore the differences in the effects of intergenerationally transmitted entrepreneurial psychological capital on entrepreneurship types, with a focus on urban-rural differences. It was found that (1) intergenerational entrepreneurial psychological capital has a significant promoting effect on opportunity entrepreneurship but an inhibiting effect on necessity entrepreneurship, because the nature characteristics of entrepreneurial role model effect and the demand for entrepreneurial psychological capital for necessity entrepreneurship have mutually exclusive effects; (2) intergenerational entrepreneurial psychological capital has a greater promoting effect on opportunity entrepreneurship in urban than rural areas, which is related to the weak entrepreneurial role model effect in rural areas and backward parenting style of rural families. (3) the promotion of intergenerational entrepreneurial psychological capital to rural necessity entrepreneurship is greater than urban necessity entrepreneurship, which is related to the fact that urban and rural residents rely on different types of intergenerational entrepreneurial psychological capital, with urban residents relying on intergenerational entrepreneurial role model effect and rural residents relying on entrepreneurial self-efficacy. The present study discusses the factors influencing the types of urban and rural entrepreneurship from the perspective of intergenerationally transmitted entrepreneurial psychological capital, which not only complements current entrepreneurship theoretical research but also provides a reference for promoting urban and rural entrepreneurship in the future. In the view, the government should promote urban opportunity entrepreneurship in terms of consistently establishing the entrepreneurial role model effect, while focusing on methods such as improving the financial environment and improving the entrepreneurial guarantee system, and working to improve the group self-efficacy of rural residents in order to achieve a leap in the type of entrepreneurship in rural areas.(已有的创业研究主要关注外部创业资本对创业类型的影响,忽视了创业者内部基于代际传递的创业心理资本的作用及其城乡差异。基于中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2017年度数据,运用多元Logit模型探究了代际传递的创业心理资本对创业类型的影响,着重观察了城乡差异。研究发现:(1)代际创业心理资本对机会型创业具有显著促进作用,但创业榜样效应的性质特点与生存型创业对创业心理资本的需求存在互斥作用,因此代际创业心理资本对生存型创业存在抑制作用;(2)代际创业心理资本对城镇机会型创业的促进作用大于农村机会型创业,其与农村创业榜样效应微弱、农村家庭的教养方式相对落后有关;(3)代际创业心理资本对农村生存型创业的促进作用大于城镇生存型创业,其与城乡居民依赖不同类型的代际创业心理资本有关,城镇居民依赖代际创业榜样效应,而农村居民依赖创业自我效能感。从代际传递创业心理资本的角度讨论了城乡创业类型的影响因素,不仅是对当前创业理论研究的补充,也为今后促进城乡创业提供了参考。未来政府应当从持续树立创业示范效应方面促进城镇机会型创业,同时注重采取改善金融环境、健全创业保障体系等措施,致力于提高农村居民的群体自我效能感,实现农村地区创业类型的跃迁。)
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