Dancing Exercises as a Factor of Socialization of Children With Violation of Sight

Autor: Serg Popel, Oksana Kryzаnivskaya, Nadiya Zemskaya, Eduard Lapkovskyi, Yaroslav Yatciv, Halyna Piatnichuk
Jazyk: English<br />Polish<br />Ukrainian
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Фізичне виховання, спорт і культура здоров’я у сучасному суспільстві, Iss 2(38), Pp 178-181 (2017)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2220-7481
DOI: 10.29038/2220-7481-2017-02-178-181
Popis: In the article the individual differentiated approach is reflected to employments by dancing exercises as important mean of optimization of educational process in the specialized schools-boarding-schools, shown role of dances in the increase of level of physical preparedness and somatic health at children 7 years with violations of sight. Examined 45 schoolchildren aged 7–9 years who study at a specialized boarding school for children with violation of sight. The analysis of the influence of dances on the psychoemocyanal sphere of children with violations of sight led to the results of testing the coordination abilities, the level of formation of the need for communication, the diagnosis of the motivational structure of the personality, the definition of communication style, value orientations and the level of communicative complexity. Comparative analysis showed that with age these indicators decrease, and in children with low coordination abilities there is a low level of need for communication and low motor activity. Among the motivations that motivate children with visual impairment to group interaction, 54,3 % fall on the need to establish a wide range of relationships, about 45,4 % to the needs for their own development, the need for personal credibility is 39,5 %. Another 35,2 % of indicators are due to the need for information accumulation, and the opportunity to increase the value of one’s own person is 24,7 %. At the same time, the need for communicative learning and the need to achieve communicative success are pushed to the background and make up only 14,2 and 15,7 %, respectively. Low indicators of communicative training cause significant difficulties in the integrative process, which requires the development of a program to improve and improve the level of coordination abilities in children with violation of sight. The necessity of forming of motivation is marked to the increase of level of motive activity as effective mean of harmonization of physical development, is marked on importance of permanent employments by dances, that substantially promotes efficiency of process of socialization and helps to be deprived psychological complexes.
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