Thermal Properties of Cu–Al–Ge Alloy PCM for Improving Thermal Energy Storage of Current CSP

Autor: Nobuyuki Gokon, Taisei Yuzawa, Takumi Kamada, Yuma Ikeuchi, Tsuyoshi Hatamachi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, Vol 2 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2751-9899
DOI: 10.52825/solarpaces.v2i.799
Popis: Metallic phase change material was proposed and examined at melting/eutectic temperatures less than 600 °C for latent heat storage in concentrated solar power. The PCM alloy can potentially charge/discharge thermal energy as a sensible/latent heat at the temperature range of 414-527 °C. The working temperatures of PCM alloy are in operation temperatures of current molten-salt based CSP plant. In this study, thermal response testing of PCM alloy and sensible/latent storage unit that PCM alloy was loaded in a ceramic honeycomb were prepared in a laboratory scale. The thermal charging/discharging performance of PCM alloy and sensible/latent storage unit were experimentally examined and compared. The storage unit provided thermal release/absorption behaviour at close to temperatures of the thermodynamic equilibrium state.
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