Autor: Dian Kurnianto, Agung Hartoyo, Mohamad Rif'at
Jazyk: indonéština
Rok vydání: 2024
Zdroj: Aksioma: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Vol 13, Iss 1, Pp 148-163 (2024)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2089-8703
DOI: 10.24127/ajpm.v13i1.7326
Popis: Bahan ajar matematika yang digunakan di SMK masih sangat umum, siswa tidak diajarkan matematika sesuai dengan konsentrasi keahlian yang dijalankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pengembangan serta penerapan modul ajar matematika bidang bisnis dan manajemen dalam dunia perbankan sesuai kebutuhan Industri dan tenaga kerja (IDUKA). Modul dikembangkan melalui riset dengan studi pengembangan model 4D, analisis deskriptif mixed metode, dan penentuan sample melalui teknik Cluster Sampling. Hasil penyebaran angket kepada 22 guru pada MGMP matematika SMK, disimpulkan 81,70% responden menyatakan bahwa buku ajar matematika yang digunakan saat ini belum dapat membekali siswa trampil menyelesaikan masalah matematika sesuai bidang keahlian yang dijalankan. Berdasarkan analisis kuantitatif data validasi kerangka isi terhadap hasil post test siswa disimpulkan terdapat hubungan antara kerangka isi yang dikembangkan terhadap keterampilan menyelesaikan masalah matematika bisnis dan manajemen. Berdasarkan data ahli materi, ahli media, penilaian guru, ujicoba I dan II modul ajar didapat nilai rata-rata 3,84. Dengan kriteria “Baik”. Mathematics teaching materials used in vocational high schools are still very common, but students are not taught mathematics in accordance with the concentration of expertise carried out. This study aims to develop and implement mathematics teaching modules in the business, management, or banking world according to IDUKA's needs. The module was developed through research with 4D model development studies, mixed method descriptive analysis, and sample determination through the cluster sampling technique. Based on the results of distributing the questionnaire to 22 teachers at the Vocational Mathematics MGMP, it was concluded that 81.70% of respondents stated that the mathematics textbooks currently used had not been able to equip students with skills in solving mathematical problems according to the area of expertise being carried out. Based on the quantitative analysis of content framework validation data on students' post-test results, it was concluded that there was a relationship between the content framework developed and the problem-solving skills of business and management mathematics. Based on data from material experts, media experts, teacher assessment, and experiments I and II of teaching modules, the average value was 3.84. With the criteria of "good".
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