Pantohematogen Efficacy Evaluation in Complex Sanatorium Rehabilitation of Patients with post-COVID-19 Syndrome: an Open Randomized Cohort Study

Autor: Alexander V. Shakula, Irina A Nesina, Alexander I. Pavlov, Elena A. Kurniavkina, Vareria S. Chursina, Irina V. Telepanova
Jazyk: English<br />Russian
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Вестник восстановительной медицины, Vol 21, Iss 4, Pp 41-50 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2078-1962
DOI: 10.38025/2078-1962-2022-21-4-41-50
Popis: INTRODUCTION. To expand the range of the pantohematogen based drugs usage, to develop indications for their use in variousforms and methods, scientific research is necessary and appropriate on evaluation of the effectiveness of the antler drugs use for therehabilitation of patients with post-coronavirus syndrome, which is detected in most patients after the coronavirus infection COVID-19and is characterized by various changes in metabolism and hemostasis, autonomic nervous system, external respiration, indicators ofcentral and peripheral hemodynamics, reduced exercise tolerance, quality of life and working capacity of patients.AIM. To scientifically establish and develop of a comprehensive program of COVID-rehabilitation of patients with the use ofpantohematogen at the sanatorium-resort stage.MATERIAL AND METHODS. We conducted randomized study in parallel groups. The study included women aged 39 to 65 years(mean age 53.9±1.18 years) – 30 patients. The rehabilitation program of the patients who had pneumonia associated with COVID-19novel coronary virus infection was evaluated 3-4 months after the disease. The study group was additionally prescribed 1 capsule ofpantohematogen, three times a day with meals, for 10-12 days (dietary supplements with increased iron content). The comparisongroup received the same rehabilitation program, but without the use of pantohematogen.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. According to the severity of post-COVID pneumonia, 66.6% were diagnosed with pneumonia of moderateseverity and 33.4% with mild severity. Mild degree of dyspnea was revealed in 63.3% of patients, physical asthenia was diagnosed in70% of patients. The use of pantohematogen showed an advantage in terms of a more significant decrease in the level of physicalasthenia, a decrease in dyspnea during physical exertion, a decrease in the frequency of autonomic disorders, an improvement in thepsycho-emotional status, and a more significant decrease in reactive anxiety in these patients. In order to prolong the effectivenessof the post-COVID rehabilitation program for patients, it is advisable to continue taking pantohematogen in outpatient or homeconditions for 2 weeks, 1 capsule three times a day.CONCLUSION. For the first time the possibility and expediency of using pantogematogen with additional iron content to increasethe efficiency of the health center rehabilitation program has been studied and proved; it can be used in patients with post-COVID conditions for normalization of functional disorders, vegetative-status and normalization of psycho-emotional status in allorganizational forms of sanatorium-resort organizations, as well as at home.
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