The relationship between board characteristics and social responsibility with firm innovation

Autor: Hind Shafeeq Nimr Al-Maliki, Mahdi Salehi, Behzad Kardan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: European Journal of Management and Business Economics, Vol 32, Iss 1, Pp 113-129 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 2444-8494
DOI: 10.1108/EJMBE-04-2020-0094/full/pdf
Popis: Purpose – The present study aims to assess the potential impacts of board members' characteristics, including connectedness and independence, on the level of the firm's involvement in innovation and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Design/methodology/approach – Variables of board members' interlock and independence are selected for measuring the board characteristics and their association with innovation. The range of disclosure of social responsibility (SR) of the firms inside and outside the industries is also analyzed through descriptive-correlational. The selected sample includes 280 firm-years listed firms on Iraq Stock Exchange during 2012–2017 and 1,026 firm-years on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The hypotheses are examined using multivariate regression models and panel data. Findings – The observations show that board interlock and independence in both countries are willing to improve firms' innovation. Moreover, having controlled the industry index, the authors find that business environment innovation is willing to be transmitted into the firms through outside industry sources in Iran. In the Iraq country, regardless of industry index, the positive association between interlocked boards and firm innovation is established. Further analyses also articulate that board interlock is not considered a mechanism to transmit information and experiences about CSR activities. Originality/value – This paper is a pioneer study to assess the relationship between board member characteristics and the firms' innovation and SR both in Iran and Iraq. Also, it extends the literature by considering the industry index as a significant source of knowledge and experience to gain more precise results. Therefore, the current paper may contribute to the development of knowledge in this field of study. 研究目的 – 本研究擬評估董事會成員的特性 (這包括其連通性及自主性) ,如何潛在地影響公司投入創新和承擔企業社會責任的程度。 研究設計/方法/理念 – 董事會成員的相互扣連和自主獨立這些變數、被挑選來量度董事會的特性以及其與創新的關聯。本研究亦以描述性關連性研究法、來分析和透視公司在企業內外參與企業社會責任的範圍。被挑選的研究樣本包括於2012年至2017年間在伊拉克股票交易所280公司年上市公司,以及在德黑蘭股票交易所1026公司年。各假設均以多變量迴歸模型和縱橫資料來作分析研究。 研究結果 – 觀察的結果、證明在這兩個國家,富連通性和自主性的董事會均樂意改善公司的創新;而且,我們在控制行業指數後,發現在伊朗、企業環境創新會積極地透過外部行業資源訊息而發送至公司。在伊拉克,相互扣連的董事會與公司創新之間的正面關聯得到確立。而這關聯是不受行業指數影響的。而且,進一步的分析、明確顯示董事會的相互扣連不被認為是一個發送關於企業社會責任的資訊或經驗的機制。 研究的原創性/價值 – 本研究乃為先鋒研究、來評估在伊朗和伊拉克兩地董事會成員的特性,與公司創新和企業社會責任之間的關係。再者,本研究使有關的文獻得以伸延,方法是把行業指數當作是一個能提供更準確的研究結果的知識和經驗的重要來源;因此,本研究會為有關的研究領域、提供更多知識。
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