Book Reviews

Autor: Carl Johan Berglund, Bim Berglund O'Reilly, Göran Eidevall, LarsOlov Eriksson, Magnus Evertsson, Tord Fornberg, Stefan Green, Donald A. Hagner, Tobias Hägerland, Mikael Larsson, Jan H. Nylund, Staffan Olofsson, Jan Retsö, Rikard Roitto, Blaženka Scheuer, Colleen Shantz, Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, Walter Überlacker, Cecilia Wassén, David Willgren
Jazyk: German<br />English<br />French<br />Norwegian<br />Swedish
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok, Vol 79, Iss 1 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1100-2298
DOI: 10.58546/se.v79i1.15463
Popis: The following books are reviewed: Gunnel André, Det står skrivet – med inblickar mellan raderna: Kommentar till Den svenska evangeliebokens gammaltestamentliga texter (LarsOlov Eriksson) William Baird, History of New Testament Research: Volume 3: From C. H. Dodd to Hans Dieter Betz (Jan H. Nylund) Jennie Barbour, The Story of Israel in the Book of Qohelet: Ecclesiastes as Cultural Memory (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Michael F. Bird och Jason Maston (red.), Earliest Christian History: History, Literature, and Theology: Essays from the Tyndale Fellowship in Honor of Martin Hengel (Tord Fornberg) Wally V. Cirafesi, Verbal Aspect in Synoptic Parallels: On the Method and Meaning of Divergent Tense-Form Usage in the Synoptic Passion Narratives (Jan H. Nylund) John J. Collins och Daniel C. Harlow (red.), The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism (Cecilia Wassén) Göran Eidevall, Sacrificial Rhetoric in the Prophetic Literature of the Hebrew Bible (Blaženka Scheuer) Mark W. Elliott, The Heart of Biblical Theology: Providence Experienced (LarsOlov Eriksson) . Steven Fine (red.), The Temple of Jerusalem: From Moses to the Messiah: In Honor of Professor Louis H. Feldman (Stefan Green) Martin Goodman, George H. van Kooten and Jacques T. A. G. M. van Ruiten (ed.), Abraham, the Nations, and the Hagarites: Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Perspectives on Kinship with Abraham (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Deryn Guest, Beyond Feminist Biblical Studies (Mikael Larsson) Claudia Camp, Ben Sira and the Men Who Handle Books: Gender and the Rise of Canon-Consciousness (Mikael Larsson) Kirsten Marie Hartvigsen, Prepare the Way of the Lord: Towards a Cognitive Poetic Analysis of Audience Involvement with Characters and Events in the Markan World (Bim Berglund O’Reilly) Tom Holmén (red.), Jesus in Continuum (Tobias Hägerland) Friedrich W. Horn (red.), Paulus Handbuch (Walter Übelacker) Jaeyoung Jeon, The Call of Moses and the Exodus Story: A Redactional-Critical Study in Exodus 3–4 and 5–13 (Jan Retsö) Paul M. Joyce and Diana Lipton, Lamentations Through the Centuries (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Thomas Kazen, Emotions in Biblical Law: A Cognitive Science Approach (Colleen Shantz) Hans-Josef Klauck m.fl. (red.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. Vol. 4: Birsha – Chariot of Fire (Göran Eidevall) Lee Martin McDonald, Formation of the Bible: The Story of the Church’ s Canon (Magnus Evertsson) vanThanh Nguyen, Peter and Cornelius: A Story of Conversion and Mission (Carl Johan Berglund) Tiberius Rata, The Covenant Motif in Jeremiah’ s Book of Comfort: Textual and Intertextual Studies of Jeremiah 30–33 (Göran Eidevall) Andrew J. Schmutzer and David M. Howard Jr (ed.), The Psalms: Language for All Seasons of the Soul (David Willgren) Jens Schröter, From Jesus to the New Testament: Early Christian Theology and the Origin of the New Testament Canon (Rikard Roitto) Jens Schröter och Jürgen K. Zangenberg (red.), Texte zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments (Walter Übelacker) Naomi Steinberg, The World of the Child in the Hebrew Bible (Mikael Larsson) Camilla Hélena von Heijne, The Messenger of the Lord in Early Jewish Interpretations of Genesis (Blaženka Scheuer) Klaus Wachtel and Michael W. Holmes (ed.), The Textual History of the Greek New Testament: Changing Views in Contemporary Research (Jan H. Nylund) J. Ross Wagner, Reading the Sealed Book: Old Greek Isaiah and the Problem of Septuagint Hermeneutics (Staffan Olofsson) Cecilia Wassén (red.) Dödahavsrullarna. Innehåll, bakgrund och betydelse (Tord Fornberg) Magnus Zetterholm and Samuel Byrskog (ed.), The Making of Christianity: Conflicts, Contacts, and Constructions: Essays in Honor of Bengt Holmberg (Donald A. Hagner)
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