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We investigated young infants’ object encoding and processing in response to isolated eye gaze cues on the neural and behavioral level. In two experiments, 4-month-old infants watched a pair of isolated eyes gazing towards or away from novel objects. Subsequently, the same objects were presented alone (i.e., without eyes). We measured event-related potentials (ERP) in response to object-directed and object-averted eye gaze as well as to the subsequently presented isolated objects. Using eye-tracking methods, we additionally measured infants’ looking behavior in reaction to the subsequently presented isolated objects. The ERP data revealed an enhanced slow wave positivity for object-directed eye gaze, indicating increased encoding of observed gaze cues. Regarding the objects, we found an enhanced Nc amplitude and increased looking times in response to previously uncued objects, indicating a novelty response on the neural and behavioral level. The results suggest that isolated eye gaze stimuli are sufficient to trigger object encoding and facilitate further object processing. Keywords: Infants, Eye tracking, Event-related potentials (ERP), Eye gaze, Isolated eyes |