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In the Serra dos Carajás a mineral province situated in the south Pará state, where occur a big quantity of ore as iron, manganes, cooper, gold, nikel and others, were carried collection of bryophytas (mosses), to aim of inventory the bryoflora the Serra in its different ecossystems, and to test the hypothesis that for each ecossistem, correspond determined specific diversity of the mosses. There were identified 87 species, 3 varieties and 20 families. To each species are included data of the material examined and comments about the principal morphological characteristics. Sematophyllum subsimplex (Hedw.) Mitt., Pilosium chlorophylum (Hornsch.) Müll. Hal., Calicostella pallida (Hornsch.) Ångstr. and Campylopus savannarum (Müll. Hal.) Mitt. stand out by abundance. The three first were found in all ecossistem studied. Fourteen species were considered rare due have been colected only one time. Leucomium steerei B.H. Allen & Veling and Fissidens weiri var. hemicraspedophylus Mitt. are new occurences to Brazilian Amazon and to Pará state. Phyllodon truncatulum (Müll. Hal.) W.R. Buck, Lepidopilum polytrichoides (Hedw.) Brid. and Groutiella tumidula (Mitt.) Vitt are new occurrences only to Pará state. The specific diversity of the Serra dos Carajás compared the others locals were considered high. |