Towards a Humanistic Conception of Cyberspace. A Twofold Challenge for Netizens Mobilizing for a Democratic Internet Governance

Autor: Elena PAVAN, Max SENGES, Konstantinos KOMAITIS
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied Informatics, Iss 1, Pp 169-182 (2009)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1584-0409
Popis: Our paper critically addresses the involvement and the role of civilsociety entities in new participatory forms of governance, using the Internetgovernance (IG) debate as a case study. The Internet is first and foremost aglobal public space potentially available to everyone for the pursuit of the mostheterogeneous interests. As this global space becomes crucial in everyday lifeand consequences of interests pursuit within it capillary innerve the offlinedimension, new forms of governance are required to ensure that all stakeholdersare represented and actively involved in the management and development ofwhat can be conceptualized as a common pool resource (CPR). The commonsof the Internet space and its service as a CPR necessitate the involvement ofvarious competencies that are dispersed in intelligence networks to whichprivate sector and civil society necessary belong. In particular, we examine themeaning and the potential for the inclusion of civil society entities in this debatein relation to the achievement of a universal (and not only global) Internet andthe consolidation of a humanized conception of IG. To this end, we propose ananalytical division of IG space in four sub-sectors (social commons;information and service commons; price commons; infrastructure commons)and we argue that civil society groups participation should be contextualizedand actions modulated following this dissection of competence and eligibilityspheres. Furthermore, the effort to achieve a democratic internet governancetranslates into a double challenge for civil society groups: on the one hand,occasions of direct influence must be fully exploited modulating actions in away that overcomes the inherent heterogeneity characterizing public interestsentities; on the other, a humanized vision has to be built up and consolidated inthe IG field in order to provide a set of benchmarks dynamically interactingwith market and traditional policy making logics. Finally, we will also explorethe effect that the construction and the consolidation of a humanized perspectiveon IG will have in the translation of this domain from a mostly technical matterinto a seed in an emerging field of contention built around information andcommunication issues.
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