An integrated full-head OPM-MEG system based on 128 zero-field sensors

Autor: Orang Alem, K. Jeramy Hughes, Isabelle Buard, Teresa P. Cheung, Tyler Maydew, Andreas Griesshammer, Kendall Holloway, Aaron Park, Vanessa Lechuga, Collin Coolidge, Marja Gerginov, Erik Quigg, Alexander Seames, Eugene Kronberg, Peter Teale, Svenja Knappe
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Frontiers in Neuroscience, Vol 17 (2023)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1662-453X
DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1190310
Popis: Compact optically-pumped magnetometers (OPMs) are now commercially available with noise floors reaching 10 fT/Hz1/2. However, to be used effectively for magnetoencephalography (MEG), dense arrays of these sensors are required to operate as an integrated turn-key system. In this study, we present the HEDscan, a 128-sensor OPM MEG system by FieldLine Medical, and evaluate its sensor performance with regard to bandwidth, linearity, and crosstalk. We report results from cross-validation studies with conventional cryogenic MEG, the Magnes 3,600 WH Biomagnetometer by 4-D Neuroimaging. Our results show high signal amplitudes captured by the OPM-MEG system during a standard auditory paradigm, where short tones at 1000 Hz were presented to the left ear of six healthy adult volunteers. We validate these findings through an event-related beamformer analysis, which is in line with existing literature results.
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