Universities preparedness to implement the federal state: educational standards: organizational aspect

Autor: V. . Zyryanov, I. . Kotlobovsky, A. . Sinyakov
Jazyk: English<br />Russian
Rok vydání: 2022
федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт (фгос)
эффективность внедрения фгос
критерии эффективности
индикаторы эффективности
организация перехода на фгос
нормативно-правовая база
повышение квалификации
материально-технические и информационные ресурсы
гарантии качества образовательных программ
federal state educational standard (fses)
monitoring the effectiveness of the fses implementation
effectiveness criteria
effectiveness indicators
organization of the transition to the fses
regulatory and legal framework
raising the qualification level
logistics and information resources
the quality of educational programs guarantee
Zdroj: Высшее образование в России, Vol 0, Iss 12, Pp 3-13 (2022)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 0869-3617
Popis: The article continues to present the results of monitoring the implementing effectiveness of the federal state educational standards (FSES) of higher education institutions conducted by the Association of Classical Universities of Russia, the Association of Technical Universities and the Comprehensive Research Institute of Education MSU at the turn of 2011 – the beginning of 2012. The article presents data on the universities organizational readiness to implement the FGOS, gives an assessment of the readiness state, identifies «hot spots», which create problems in this way. Also the article draws conclusions aimed at helping universities in setting benchmarks and parameters entering the tempo and rhythm of the educational activity, regulated by FSES.
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