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I dette essayet spør jeg hvorvidt samtalen om uro i skolen er i ferd med å forlate pedagogikkfagets paradoksale gjenstandsområde til fordel for et pedagogisk terreng med lite plass til dilemma og uro. Spørsmålet teksten dreier rundt, er om bekymringen for uro i skolen, i læringens navn, reduserer pedagogikkfaget til en disiplin for svar på og kontroll av alle former for uro i stedet for å være et ydmykt fag for spørsmål. Dette er viktig fordi en konsekvens av kontrolleringstrangen er et stadig økende reguleringsbehov av barna. Pedagogikk kan ikke bare være et fag for regulering av menneskelig atferd, like viktig er hvordan vi pedagoger evner å møte dilemma i vår praksis og den vitale responsen fra barn på deres umiddelbare møte med verden. Essayet forsøker å skape et brudd i samtalen om uro filtrert gjennom det pedagogiske paradoks. Uro forstås ofte som et negativt problem for læring. Med dette essayet løfter jeg spørsmålet om uro også kan forstås som produktivt for gjenopplivning av det pedagogiske paradoks, trigge nye forståelser av barns demokratiske medborgerskap, og gi næring til livsappetitt og vitalitet blant barn i skolen. English abstract Reviving the Pedagogical Paradox and the Potential of Disturbances in Education This essay delves into the evolving conversation about disruptions and disruptive behaviour in education, questioning whether it is shifting away from the paradoxical domain of pedagogy towards an educational landscape with little room for dilemmas and altercations. A central question posed is whether the concern for disruptive behaviour in schools, under the guise of promoting learning, is reducing the field of pedagogy to a discipline focused solely on answering and controlling all forms of unruly energy among children, rather than maintaining its essence as a humble field of inquiry. This issue is significant because the urge to control often leads to an increasing need to regulate children. Pedagogy cannot merely be a field for regulating human behaviour; it is equally important for educators to address dilemmas in their practice and respond to the vital, immediate encounters children have with the world. The essay aims to create a rupture in the conversation about disruptions, viewed through the lens of the pedagogical paradox. Disruptions are frequently perceived as negative problems for learning. However, this essay raises the question of whether such unrest can also be seen as productive for the revival of the pedagogical paradox. It suggests that disruptions might trigger new understandings of children’s democratic citizenship and nurture a zest for life and vitality among students in schools. By re-examining the role of disruptions in education, the essay seeks to highlight the potential benefits of nurturing and caring for rather than merely controlling disturbances in school. It argues for a more nuanced approach to pedagogy, one that values inquiry and the dynamic responses of children, ultimately fostering a more vibrant and responsive educational environment. |