即時反饋系統應用於國小三年級學生修辭教學之行動研究 An Action Research on Interactive Response System Applied to Rhetoric Instruction for Third Graders

Autor: 李育懃 Yu-Chin Li, 歐陽誾 Yin Ou-Yang
Jazyk: English<br />Chinese
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Shizi Peiyu Yu Jiaoshi Zhuanye Fazhan Qikan, Vol 8, Iss 3, Pp 77-102 (2015)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 20713649
DOI: 10.3966/207136492015120803004
Popis: 修辭是強化學生聽說讀寫能力的重要關鍵,然傳統修辭教學多流於枯燥形式,教材內容亦無明訂統一標準,致使師生易為之卻步。故本研究嘗試透過即時反饋系統應用於修辭教學,結合其功能優勢及特性,藉以解決傳統修辭教學所不足之處,進而提升學生的學習態度與成效。本研究以國小三年級一個班級的21 位學生為研究對 象,採行動研究的方式,在研究過程中,透過教師日誌、同儕教師觀察記錄、學生訪談、學生問卷、成就測驗等資料蒐集,進行量化與質性分析。本研究之主要發現包括:(一)即時反饋系統應用於國小修辭教學的實施歷程包含:選擇適合學生學習的修辭、進行系統化的教學設計、結合即時反饋系統多元化功能、實施課程、應 用即時反饋系統進行評量、修正教學及分析教學成效。(二)應用即時反饋系統於修辭教學能培養學生正向修辭學習態度並能有效提升學生學習成效。(三)學生肯定應用即時反饋系統於修辭教學的學習經驗。 Rhetoric is the key to enhance students' listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. However, both instructors and students deterred from rhetoric easily due to the traditional boring and monotonous teaching methods. By applying the interactive response system, this study aimed to solve the shortcomings of the traditional teaching, and furthermore, to enhance the students’ learning attitude and effectiveness. This study adopted an action research approach. The subjects were 21 third graders in a public elementary school. Teacher’s teaching journals, observation records of peer coaching, students’ interviews, questionnaires, attitude questionnaire and achievement test were collected and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of this study include: (1) The implementation of the interactive response system in rhetoric instruction includes the following steps: to select the appropriate rhetoric for students, to design the systematic curriculum, to use the diverse functions of the interactive response system, to carry out the curriculum, to conduct the evaluation with interactive response system, to modify the instruction, and to analyze the teaching effectiveness. (2) The application of the interactive response system in the rhetoric instruction can enhance students’ positive attitude toward rhetoric learning and learning effectiveness. (3) Students showed positive affirmations toward the experience of learning rhetoric with the interactive response system.
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