Autor: Константин Владиславович Головань
Jazyk: English<br />Ukrainian
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Радіоелектронні і комп'ютерні системи, Vol 0, Iss 1, Pp 63-70 (2018)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1814-4225
DOI: 10.32620/reks.2018.1.08
Popis: The main points related to the design of the integrated decision supported expert systems are analyzed in the paper. The perspectives of hybrid knowledge representation model are considered. In order to represent the domain knowledge it is proposed to use a high level knowledge oriented model that makes it possible to describe the processes of analysis, mining, and processing of domain knowledge in a form of interaction of some typical predefined functional blocks. The main advantages of the developed functional knowledge-oriented model are: modularity (representation of monitoring, diagnostics and control processes of complex technological systems and objects in a form of separate knowledge-oriented components interaction); universality of the typical functional blocks library (solution of typical tasks, arising in the process of technological object control); adaptability (easy adaptation to a specific domain); openness (gives the user a possibility to set the custom behavior); activity (interaction of typical functional blocks with each other that makes it possible to automate the process of knowledge acquisition and processing and also interaction of functional blocks with a hybrid production-frame model that makes possible to increase the efficiency of knowledge procession during the decision making process). Every typical intelligent element is a functional block with a set of inputs {IN} and outputs {OUT}. The behavior of such block is defined by its purpose. The whole set of typical intelligent blocks that is used in construction of functional knowledge-oriented model according to the block purpose can be divided into several different classes. On the basis of the selected representation model the processes of knowledge formalization are described. The main advantages of the selected approach to formalize the domain knowledge are stated. On the basis of the represented instrumental tool structure the computer the system has been made. The main stages of expert system creation and their key features are considered. The editor of functional knowledge-oriented model has been presented. The basic functions of the editor are model visualization and debugging. Instrumental tool make possible to build control decision expert systems in different domains. The example of expert system in domain of electrochemical protection of pipelines from corrosion has been considered. The basic directions of possible updating of mathematical model and instrumental tools are described in conclusion
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