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This study aims to perform population analysis of the rumen ciliated protozoa of the free-living European bison (wisent, Bison bonasus, Linnaeus). The samples of the rumen fluid from the 18 bison subjected to the controlled culls within the free-ranging population in the Bialowieza primeval forest in Poland were collected and examined. The examined ciliates population consisted of the species of the families Isotrichidae and Ophryoscolecidae. There were 12 genera (Isotricha, Dasytricha, Diplodinium, Elytroplastron, Entodinium, Eodinium, Epidinium, Eremoplastron, Eudiplodinium, Metadinium, Ophryoscolex, and Ostracodinium) and 32 morphospecies of the ciliates. We observed the prevalence of a type B protozoan population (56% animals) with the typical Epidinium and Eudiplodinium genera members. Other examined animals possessed the mixed A–B population with Ophryoscolex genus, distinct for type A ciliate population. The average total ciliates count was 2.77 ± 1.03 × 105/ml (mean ± SD). The most abundant genera were Entodinium, 83%, and Dasytricha, 14%. The abundance of other genera was |