Association of Post-Barreiras and Barreiras Formation strata and influence on soil genesis, Southern Bahia – Brazil

Autor: Cristiano Marcelo Pereira de Souza, Liovando Marciano da Costa, Francis Henrique Tenório Firmino, Carlos César Uchôa de Lima, Ana Maria Souza dos Santos Moreau, Marcos Esdras Leite
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, Vol 44 (2020)
Druh dokumentu: article
ISSN: 1806-9657
DOI: 10.36783/18069657rbcs20200015
Popis: ABSTRACT The term Post-Barreiras is a definition for sediments above the deposits of the Barreiras Formation, and the genesis of soils in these environments must be related to sedimentary deposition. Our objective was to apply multi-technique analyses to characterize the sediments and soils to understand pedogenesis in these environments. We analysed sedimentological parameters and the geochronology of sediments. Morphological, chemical, and mineralogical analyses allowed the characterization of the soil. Also, these data supported the analysis of lithological discontinuity. We considered the contents of Ti and Zr, uniformity value, the fraction of organic material, morphology, and palynological analysis. The age of Post-Barreiras sediments is from the Pleistocene, and they have a more significant variation of sedimentological parameters concerning Barreiras Formation layers. In general, the soils are sandy, acidic, have a low level of exchangeable cations. Mineralogy has a predominance of quartz and kaolinite minerals. In the region, there are soils with low morphological variation, classified as Quartzipsamments. In other cases, there are soils with apparent spodic morphology, which is conditioned by four aspects: (i) Podzolization in Post-Barreiras sandy sediments without evidence of lithological discontinuity, forming Bs horizon (Spodosols); (ii) contact zones (Post-Barreiras/Barreiras Formation) with physical, chemical, and morphological evidence of discontinuity, forming Quartzipsamments or Ultisols; (iii) layers of the Barreiras Formation buried by Post-Barreiras sediments and the subsequent podzolization process, forming Bhm horizon (Spodosols); and (iv) destruction of Ultisols clay, forming Bs horizon (Spodosols). The sedimentary association (Post-Barreiras/Barreiras Formation) favors the development of different soils. The contact zones generate a morphological aspect similar to the Spodosols, associated or not with podzolization processes.
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